Happy 4th of July and Happy Summer!

July 3, 2015

Happy Fourth of July! While enjoying the anniversary of the United States’ freedom this weekend, don’t forget to celebrate safely. A few reminders from your friends at TruCare Pharmacy:

  • Fire Safety: Always supervise children when near bonfires, fire pits, cooking grills, and fireworks. If someone is burned and they do not require a trip to the doctor’s or hospital, submerge the burned body part in cold water to stop the burning of the deep layers of skin.
  • Sun Safety: As much as it is fun to be in the sun, it can also be dangerous. Beware the dehydrating effects of the sun and battle them with increased water intake. Remember to have more water if you are drinking alcohol.  Also, protect your skin! Melanoma is a very serious disease, and it can be combatted with proper skin protection- including hats, sunglasses, umbrellas, and SUN TAN LOTION. Don’t forget to pick up some sunscreen for the whole family at TruCare Pharmacy- we have many varieties, including non-greasy types for the face and waterproof types for the water and sports. Don’t forget to reapply every two hours. If you are unlucky enough to get sunburn, stop by TruCare for some aloe burn cream. Vinegar poultices and increased fluid intake also help. Here’s a link from the Skin Cancer Organization for more information about the importance of using sunscreen. http://www.skincancer.org/prevention/sun-protection/sunscreen/sunscreens-explained
  • Bug Safety: Spending time outdoors this summer? Protect yourself from “creepy-crawlies.” Pick up some bug repellent at TruCare Pharmacy before you go on your hike or picnic. If you get bit, we also have anti-itch creams and ointments. Be careful of ticks, which carry Lyme Disease. Click the link to see how to safely remove a tick from a person, or pet! http://www.cdc.gov/ticks/removing_a_tick.html
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